Member Benefits
The industry’s premier networking forum, inclusive and collaborative. Be part of our grassroots councils or benefit from our industry think tank leaders. Know what is happening in the industry first, or make your mark and help shape it.
Explore the latest topics, trends and best practices. Distinguish yourself with the industry’s leading professional designation.
Make the most of your membership experience with world-class service, a member-only online portal and access to custom materials to promote the value proposition of the MLS industry.
CMLS believes in the power of collaboration. It brings the real estate industry together to discuss ideas and shape the future.
As a member, I have personally gained a much broader perspective of the forces impacting the MLS community and the real estate industry. When you join the conversation and make contributions, your investment is returned tenfold with new ideas, innovative solutions, and amazing connections. This is where the work toward a better marketplace happens!